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DX cluster in the amateur radio logbook: DX spot and TX

dx-cluster dx-spot-view hamoffice my amateurradio logbook
(Zoom pic)

Pic above: DX spot display in the DX cluster
Incoming spots are immediately displayed on the map.
The statistics table at the bottom right shows the bands on which the DXCC of the current DX spot is worked or confirmed.

dx-cluster tx-fenster hamoffice mein amateurfunk logbuch
(Zoom pic)

Pic above: TX window in the DX cluster
The Connect command can be sent using the "Cmd" switch. Texts are entered directly in the white row below the TX window.

Further information on the topic:


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Information pages

HAM OFFICE: DXCluster Exclusions

In the cluster setup you can specify words and groups of words which lead to the exclusion of those messages that contain these words. (Exclusion list)

HAM OFFICE: DXCluster - VIP Alert

In the cluster setup you can activate a VIP alarm that is displayed when certain callsigns are made. The list with the VIP callsigns can be edited in the setup.

HAM OFFICE: DX cluster

In addition to the Internet clusters, messages can now also be received from the HAM OFFICE cloud. All settings for alarm, DX display etc. also apply to these cloud messages.

HAM OFFICE: DXCluster - Band switches

A band button bar can now be displayed under the message window. The switches are colored depending on the activity on this band and allow messages from certain bands to be switched on and off quickly.

HAM OFFICE: QSO & QSL - Additional windows in the logbook entry

Below the QSO entry you can set up a DX cluster window next to the QSO list without having to open the separate DX cluster window directly. Almost all DX cluster functions are available here. see also: DX-Cluster

HAM OFFICE: QSO & QSL - Additional windows in the logbook entry

DX cluster messages

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