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QSO & QSL - Default options for entries in the amateur radio logbook

These settings only affect the handling of the current logbook.
Basically, you only have to adjust a few settings after installing the program.

Pic below:1. On this page you can set how the QSO input window should look . (see also here )
If you want to make different settings for different occasions, you can save or load them here.

qso-input set view hamoffice my amateur radio logbook
(Zoom pic)

Pic below:2. The values entered here in the upper part are automatically into each new QSO so that they do not have to be entered again.

qso input defaults hamoffice my logbook amateur radio
(Zoom pic)

Pic below: 3. Date settings
In the QSO input you can also enter the current date and time with "F2".
With "Alt + F2" you enter the current time as the QSO end time ..

qso-input date settings hamoffice my logbook amateur radio
(Zoom pic)

Pic below:4. Unused fields can be deactivated here. They are then highlighted in gray.

qso-input deactivate input fields hamoffice my amateur radio logbook
(Zoom pic)

Pic below:5. Setting the colors of the QSO input window.

qso-input colors setting hamoffice my logbook amateur radio
(Zoom pic)

Pic below: 6. Further settings (1)
If you activate "no restrictions" for Area, you can also use the Area field for entering other location values - belonging to the DXCC. The statistics functions can distinguish these entries according to the DXCC of the call and list them separately.

qso input additional settings hamoffice my logbook amateur radio
(Zoom pic)

Pic below:7. further settings (2)

qso input more settings
(Zoom pic)

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