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Evaluations for the amateur radio logbook - overview, lists

Statistics overview

QSO-evaluation single statistics hamoffice my amateur radio logbook
(Zoom pic)

Pic above: Individual statistics
Here and also with the other statistics, predefined lists or lists that you can create yourself can be called up, which show more precisely how many QSOs are in the desired bands and modes. These lists can be printed out. The DXCC, Locator, WAE and US states statistics can also be visualized on the world map.

qso-evaluation standard list hamoffice my amateur radio logbook
(Zoom pic)

Pic above: Standard Statistics
List of statistics entries on the left and display of the associated QSOs on the right

qso-evaluation individual statistics hamoffice my amateur radio logbook
(Zoom pic)

Pic above: Extended statistics lists
Here you can determine what should be evaluated

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