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Amateurfunk-Software | Tel:+49 (0)30 351 26 92 62
Tel:+49 (0)30 351 26 92 62
  • 6.301.1: QSO input window: revision of the beam display, as the last number was sometimes cut off
  • 6.301.1: Program settings: bold fonts are now easier to select in the font settings
  • 6.301.1: Contests: when starting a contest, the band was sometimes not fully displayed for the first QSO -> better now
  • 6.301.1: Statistics-Own lists: revision of version 301.0 also for the purchased version

05.09.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.301.1

  • 6.301.0: Update of the September contests
  • 6.301.0: Statistics-Own lists: Now also displayed if only one mode and all bands are selected

29.08.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.301.0

  • If you access the web via t-online, you can now download the update at normal speed again.
  • 6.300.8: Access to the Radio Amateur Callbook (RAC) is now generally switched on and off in the program options, no longer in the settings of the individual logbooks.
  • 6.300.8: Statistics - Custom lists: The display separated by modes is now also possible if no special selection is made for the bands
  • 6.300.8: Label printing - Mask editor: newly inserted symbols no longer lose their color when saving th

22.08.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.300.8

  • Those who access the web via t-online will unfortunately have to be patient when downloading the update. The server can connect to t-online, but is currently slowed down.
  • 6.300.7: HAM abc dictionary: some updates to DN call signs
  • 6.300.7: eQSL export: Now also automatic export of RST_RCVD.
  • 6.300.7: QSO input window - Options - Font setting: Clicking on the switch for "Set fonts" now works correctly again.

15.08.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.300.7

  • 6.300.6: HAM abc lexicon: Updates on the new fee regulations of the Federal Network Agency.
  • 6.300.6: Label printing - mask editor: Entering text in text fields works correctly again.
  • 6.300.6: QSO input window: Adopt the font for input fields and texts from the settings in the QSO input window instead of the font from the program settings.
  • 6.300.6: Calendar: Adopt the font from the program settings instead of the standard font.
  • 6.300.6: Import window: Improvement when deleting older setting

08.08.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.300.6

  • 6.300.5: QSO input window: In the additional map window, the zoom and close buttons adjust better to the window width and are therefore permanently visible.
  • 6.300.5: E-QSL import: If an assignment error is imported into the log as a QSO after the comparison in the results window, the assignment error list and the window itself are now updated immediately.
  • 6.300.5: Satellite additional window for QSO input: now always in the full size of the QSO input window.

01.08.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.300.5

  • 6.300.4: Update of the August contests
  • 6.300.4: Minor revision of the IOTA contest
  • 6.300.4: We display the DOK and LDK list in the QSO input window correctly according to the current DXCC
  • 6.300.4: Revision of prefix handling

25.07.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.300.4

  • 6.300.3: New contest: RSGB-IOTA contest also available as freeware in the contest area at qslonline.de
  • 6.300.3: automatic date correction for imports
  • 6.300.3: various adjustments for users with DN9 call signs (new class N)
  • 6.300.3: Update of the HAM abc database (lexicon)
  • 6.300.3: Contest import revised
  • 6.300.3: Contest renumbering revised

18.07.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.300.3

  • 6.300.2: New contest: RSGB-IOTA contest (Premium license)
  • 6.300.2: Improvements to eQSL import (Premium license)
  • 6.300.2: Map in the QSO input window: In the map settings you can set that there is no automatic zoom to the country. This may give you a better overview of where in the world the other station is. (Premium license)
  • 6.300.2: Export of US counties now in the more modern form State,Countyname

04.07.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.300.2

  • 6.300.1: Update of the July contests
  • 6.300.1: Attention: When you start the program after this update or change the logbook, a logbook check is carried out, as was the case with the last update. This check is only carried out once per log and takes a few seconds depending on the size of the log. After that, you can continue working with the program as normal. The next updates will omit the check again.
  • 6.300.1: Large cluster window: The switches are more visible than in previous versions.
  • 6

27.06.2024  HAM OFFICE  Release 6.300.1

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